1·The FCC says that by 2020 it aims to ensure universal access at a speed of 4 megabits per second (Mbps), a fairly feeble target.
2·The alliance - a WHO partner in the fight to improve global respiratory health - aims to bolster disease surveillance and prevent and control lung conditions in target countries.
3·English teaching, by means of language teaching, aims to explore the social and cultural connotation recorded and expressed by the target language.
4·The topic-based approach, which is centered on the same topic as organizing English teaching, aims to improve students' capacity for application towards target language.
5·When using low power system aims at target, the graduation form is as shown in Fig. 4, it is the graduation of three concentric circles.
6·This information fusion discussed in this paper aims at the problem of target track correlation of radar.
7·It aims at promoting the English teaching level as well as increasingly advancing the discipline target building.
8·It aims at finishing projects from which operating duties derive, and take assuming operating duties as the target to reconstruct theories and practical teaching contents.
9·Domesticating translation strategy aims at reducing the exoticism of the target text, providing a kind of natural and fluent version for the target readers.
10·The teaching target of college English aims at improving the students' English level.